Thursday, October 31, 2019

How to quit smoking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How to quit smoking - Research Paper Example It also lays a great impact on people who do not smoke but are exposed to second hand smoke and they also become susceptible to the development of disease. Smoking affects the major systems of the human body which include the cardiovascular system as well as the respiratory system and is associated with major pathological conditions affecting the heart and can also result in cancer of the lung. Smoking also increases the economic burden of the country owing to the large amounts of money that need to be spent on the medical expenditures of the smokers. A survey in year 2004 revealed the fact that $96 billion had to be spent on the health care costs of the smokers owing to the pathologies resulting directly due to smoking. Hence the severity of the issue makes it important that strategies should be formulated to assist individuals in overcoming these problems of smoking and to quit smoking as this can be beneficial for the individuals as well as for the state (Centers for Disease Contr ol and Prevention 2010). Strategies employed by the state can serve to be very useful in reducing the number of smokers. This was proved by the statistics for the state of California where the percentage of smokers reduced from 22.7 percent to 13.3 percent from the year 1988 to 2006. The policies used by the state included the elevation in the cost of the cigarettes accompanied by other important techniques which included reduction in advertisements and promotions of cigarettes. This led not only in reduction of the number of smokers but it was also associated with decrease in the number of pathological conditions in the state associated with smoking (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2010). The goal of quitting smoking is not very easy and it requires extreme will power and determination. Many people do not choose to quit smoking owing to the fact that when they stop smoking, it leads to increase in their weight. This is because leaving smoking is linked to increased cravi ng for sweet foods and this leads to increased consumption of calories. To tackle this issue different methods have been prescribed to overcome the problem of smoking as well as the gain of weight that may follow. It is advised that the smokers should start eating a healthy and balances diet. This should be accompanied by regular exercises and work outs. This is because exercise and healthy eating habits are associated with burning of calories and at the same time it leads to reducing the stress that a person may experience due to leaving smoking. This is also very helpful because it can lead to the improvement of cardiovascular system boost the physical health of the individual (Marcus et al 2004). The initiative should be taken by the government for promoting individuals from quitting smoking. This includes awareness programs along with the constellation of other techniques which include the utilization of media to promote the benefits of quitting smoking. The awareness programs s hould be started from schools so that the youths are trained against adapting to these habits. The prices of cigarettes should be raised along with the taxes to make the people think regarding their choice of smoking. The methods that are available for helping individuals who smoke should also be explained to these people. These strategies will assist people in setting their goals to work towards quitting smoking (Ranney et

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Law - Essay Example They are also liable for replacement of the faulty blu-ray player purchased by Bob from them although more than 3 days have passed after the purchase. Reckless Department Store is just what their name expounds – it is reckless. One cannot do business in a reckless manner. The removal of the lower guard rails on the stairwell despite many complaints from customers was responsible for Lassie’s death. The fracturing of Bob’s skull due to the barrier’s crash on the car’s roof was also the fault of Reckless Department Store because the car park was handled or mishandled by them. Finally, the malfunction of the blu-ray player must be set right by Reckless Department Store because they cannot count the number of days Bob spent in the hospital for the purpose of the sale contract (Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, p1). Actually, Erewhon Police Service must take the initiative in handling all the three cases. This is because of Reckless Department Store’s negligence that the mishaps have occurred. Reckless’ irresponsible behavior resulted in the loss of their dog, and loss of manpower as Bob could not report for duty during his time at the hospital. The three cases must be handed to a legal expert who will be able to interpret the laws to their logical conclusions. Reckless Department Store is misinterpreting laws to its own benefits. First of all, Reckless must have closed operation or relocated elsewhere while renovation work was going on. By not keeping business closed due to renovation, Reckless was exposing customers to myriad risks and dangers. Reckless must be taken to task sufficiently so that it sends the clear message for Department Store and other businesses to close operation or relocate while renovation is in progress in their own premises. Otherwise it will become easy for others to carry on business in similar circumstances and throw up their hands when faced with litigations for accidents and losses

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Abortion Argument In Islam Theology Religion Essay

The Abortion Argument In Islam Theology Religion Essay Drawing upon references from the Islamic tradition, discuss the ethics of abortion. According to Islam is Abortion ever permissible? The abortion argument in Islam takes its status in a specific religious setting shaped by the divinely exposed teachings of the religion. These teachings are acknowledged by Muslims as sacred and unchallengeable and have persisted undisputed for over centuries. The greatest importance of these teachings affects the meaning and purpose of human life. Islam teaches that human life is sacred because its origins come from God alone, who by his position is sacred and the final source of all that is holy. Within these writings Human beings are seen as Gods finest creation by way of the fact that in creation he breathed his spirit into every human body, male and female, at a certain stage of its embryological development. This exhalation by God of the heavenly soul into the human fetus is called its ensoulment. Thus by doing this it bestows on man, the status of theomorphic existence, and it is this very existence that is exalted above all things as life itself is gods divine gift to mankin d. So from this point Islam supports a strong and serious standpoint on the taking of a persons life and of all actions which may be injurious to such life. One of the five basic human rights preserved in the Sharia is the protection by the state of every human life. The Quran asserts that whosoever kills a [single] human for other than murder or other than the corruption of the earth [i.e., war], it is as though he has killed all humankind and whosoever has saved one human, it is as though he has saved all humankind (5:35). When we discuss the term other than murder in this verse within Islamic law it refers mostly to justifiable homicide, these can be acts of self-defense and subsequent acts of capital punishment as set under the Islamic law of equality (qisas).Islam imparts that a human is not just a mind-body or soul-body object that has come into being in the course of an completely physical, historical, or evolutionary development, rather the religious entity contends that rather he/she is an individual who is also a spirit whose existence exceeds the physical space as we know it. Within this existence individuals are disregarding all we believe we know. This divine material found in all human individuals is regarded by Muslim theorists as the best part of ourselves which is able to distinguish itself, God and have insight even into the spiritual realm; this is what in reality set us above all other creations. Within this admitted hierarchy of Creation in which human are set above all other living things, the Quran and the Sunnah however strongly order Muslims to treat animals with compassion and not to abuse them as well. The Quran states that all creation praises God, even if this praise is not expressed in human language (17:44). In addition the Quran contends that There is not an animal in the earth, nor a flying creature on two wings, but they are communities like unto you (6:38). This is stated due to the sanctity of life. Taking a life even that of a animal for food is to be done only if it is a necessity. In this regard abortion is seen as an abomination to creation as a whole as far as islam is concerned When we look into the Islamic debate of abortion it is usually focused on the question also of rights and responsibilities between the husband and wife so it is important we add this into the equation. It is here again that the Quran emphases the belief that everything in the heavens and on earth belongs to God. So if we are really speaking metaphysically on this matter within Islam, individuals do not have ownership over anything, not even over their own bodies. Within this vein of thinking it is God alone who has assigned the rights of both men and women and their subsequent roles as husband and wives. Continuing on this thinking both men and women within Islam get their rights through the adjudication of the Divine Law through the Quran. The Quran mentions considerably the ensoulment of the human body, largely in the setting of Gods creation story, the making of Adam. Here we also are able to read our shared affirmation of humankinds supremacy over the rest of creation, including the angels. When Muslims need insight into abortion or the subject of the ethics of abortion in Islam it can only be resolved by looking closely at the Quran. This is considered the source of all truth in the Islamic world, as well as the Sunna, who is the living example of the Prophet. Allah states clearly in the Quran the method of human development in the womb. 0 people! If you are in doubt about the raising, then surely We created you from dust, then a small seed, then from a clot, then from a lump of flesh, complete in make and incomplete. . . (Quran 22:5) From this viewpoint human life as we know it is not human until the lump of dust phase is finalised. Here it is clear that human existence is not human until the lump of flesh stage is completed, subsequently this verse informs us the laws of succession as far as Islam is before we become a person. Similar passages in the Quran make it undeniable that Allah creates humans in stages and foetuses earlier than the final stage are not classified as humans. Anees (1989) notes this as well, when he states; It is obvious that the Muslim juristic appraisal of the legality of induced abortion hinges on one and only one determinant: transformation from a biological being (may be taken as an equivalent of the animal stage of development) to a human being. This transmutation is brought about when the spirit is infused into that biological being (P.177) Further, Asad, and Bahishti other Islamist writers, in this modern period have interpreted this surah in this way. The language in this surah which has an addition to it is called an hadith is also reverberated in the creation of the law by the Prophet. This hadith 6397 reflects that Anas b. Malik as reported directly from Allahs messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, has appointed an angel as caretaker of the womb, and he would say: My Lord, it is now a drop of semen; my Lord, it is now a clot of blood, my Lord, it has now become a lump of flesh, and when Allah decides to give it a final shape, the angel says: My Lord, would it be male or female or would he be an evil or a good person? What about his livelihood and his age. And it is all written as he is in the womb of his mother This passage contemplates that Allah bestows all human characteristics within the womb, such that the creation within the womb becomes the incubator of creation, the catalyst of all life itself. Again we are brought back to the conclusion that the foetus is just a drop or a clot or a lump until Allah decides to give it its final form, and at that stage its future is recognised and ascertained by Allah. In conclusion, this same language is used in a hadith which asserts that each of the first three stages represents 40 days. (Hadith=is a saying or an act or tacit approval or disapproval ascribed either validly or invalidly to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Hadith are regarded by traditional Islamic schools of jurisprudence as important tools for understanding the Quran and in matters of law (Abdullah said that the Prophet of God (May peace and blessings be upon him) said that the sperm is in the womb for forty days without its condition changing. When it has passed these forty days it becomes a clot, then in that manner it becomes a bigger thing likewise, and when Allah wants to complete its creation, He sends an angel. He tells the angel that which He commands for it: for example, male or female, unhappy or joyful, short or tall, weak or strong, and he make the person healthy or infirm. He (the Prophet) said that he (the angel) writes all of this down. This Islamic view of fetal development based on the Quran and hadith is central to the Muslim arguments on abortion. All Muslim experts in the philosophy of religious law and specifically the readings of the Quran accept as true that the foetus only becomes a human being after the fourth month of pregnancy. Thus as a result of this finding, abortion is forbidden after that stage (Musallam, 1983).In spite of this however there is differing views concerning the tolerability of abortion through the first four months of pregnancy. This is the period just before the ensoulment of the foetus. Conflict arises based on the religious schooling of the theorists in this matter. The hanafi School of Islamic law allows abortion to be performed at any period throughout the four-month pregnancy stage. Within their writings they decrees that the woman has the right to adopt some method of obtaining abortion if quickening of the fetus has not occurred, which happens after 120 days of conception (Abedin, p. 121). On the other hand the majority of Maliki law makers prohibit abortion absolutely. Their core disagreement is that even though the foetus does not become a human until after its ensoulment, we have a duty not to interfere with the natural development of conception. Once the semen has established itself in the womb, as the semen is predestined for ensoulment. Again there is debate by some Maliki Lawmakers which allow abortion of a fetus up to forty days old. Other schools of Islamic law like the Sunnis and Shiites agree with the Hanafis in their tolerance of abortion; however they differ in the specific interpretations of the law making it increasingly an ongoing debatable parody. This brings to the point that it is crucial to emphasize that there is an exact and detailed theological and ethic-legal context in which abortion has been allowed in Islam. Muslim Imams categories all human act into five categories, namely (1) the obligatory (wÄ jib), (2) the recommended (mandÃ…Â «b), (3) the allowable or the indifferent (mubÄ h), (4) the blameworthy or the discouraged (makrÃ…Â «h), and (5) the forbidden (harÄ m). Abortion has been subsequently placed using this scale in the third category, that of the (mubah), allowable. In conclusion to this everlasting argument the writings of Allah, within the Quran, have made it clear that to take any life is wrong. All Islamic people are under the protection of Allah. Allah also implores us from the Quran that any foetus in a womb is not a human person until after a stated period has passed. Allahs case in point adds that the period specified is 120 days of gestation, after which time the foetus is treated as a Muslim, however it is still not seen as a true living Muslim. This is implied as there is no punishment on a woman who is forced to miscarry and from this the foetus dies. Finally, it can be said that although abortion in the first 120 days of gestation is largely seen as morally wrong in Islamic law, it is not considered to be murder. Abortion within this 120 day period falls into the classification of bodily injury or breaking of an oath, thus the person who is found guilty at this time is usually served with some kind of penance punishment. The questio n of abortion becomes an illogical dilemma then when we take into account the killing of ones children which is classified as one of the gravest sins within the Quran. Such that if an abortion took place after the 120 days it would surmount to the sin of killing a child, and because of its position in the legal-ethical debate would need sufficient arguments that the abortion was necessary to save the life of the mother, that is it was necessary to save another life.

Friday, October 25, 2019

University Living as the Third Gender :: Journalism Journalistic Essays

University Living as the Third Gender In Thailand, they are called Kateoy or â€Å"Ladyboys.† In Burma, they are the Hijra and have the power to bless a child with fertility or curse it with impotence. In America, they are called transgendered, but the definition of the word is hard to pin down. â€Å"There are as many ways to be trans as there are trans people,† said Michael*, a 21-year-old Newton resident to Northeastern University’s bisexual, lesbian, gay, straight, transgendered, queer and questioning alliance (NuBiLAGA) meeting on Nov. 18. But Michael, who was born a female but now lives as a male, has his own definition. â€Å"A transgendered person is someone who does not fit with or identify with the gender identity or gender roles assigned at birth,† Michael said. The American Heritage Dictionary defines transgender as â€Å"Appearing as, wishing to be considered as, or having undergone surgery to become a member the opposite sex.† While often confused with cross-dressers who masquerade as the opposite sex on occasion, transgendered persons wish to permanently live as the opposite gender. Some opt to have surgery to match their anatomy with their lifestyle, some do not and just adopt the mannerism of the opposite gender. Scientific statistics and studies on transgendered persons border on non-existent. Since transgendered people often identify simply as male or female, it is difficult to get an accurate count of the trans population using official censuses which don’t denote â€Å"biological male/female† or â€Å"cultural male/female.† Transgendered people also cannot be included in counts of the gay and lesbian population, because if a person was biologically female, but identifies as a male and is attracted to females, they would consider themselves heterosexual and not a lesbian. As Michael addressed the group, his partner, Bailey*, a 21-year-old female to male transgendered resident of Jamaica Plains, drew four parallel lines on the dry erase board. One by one, Michael explained the significance of each line: sex, gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation. The visual is what Michael uses to distinguish to people the differences between the terms and how each can function mutually exclusive from the others. He explained to the group that sex is dictated by chromosomes and genitalia. On one end of the spectrum is male, on the other is female and in the middle is intersex, commonly referred to hermaphrodite. On the gender expression line, Michael and Bailey created a spectrum from masculine to feminine, with androgynous or gender neutral in the middle; sexual orientation often divided between attraction to men or women.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pros and Cons of No Child Left Behind Act Essay

On January 8, 2002, President Bush signed into law the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). This law represents his education reform plan and contains changes to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) since it was enacted in 1965. It is asking America’s schools to describe their success in terms of what each student accomplishes. The act contains the President’s four basic education reform principles: stronger accountability for results, especially in reading, increased flexibility and local control, expanded options for parents, and teacher and staff quality. Schools will be held responsible for improving the academic performance of all students, and there will be real consequences for districts and schools that fail to make progress. Within twelve years, all students must perform at a proficient level under their state standards. But, states will set their own standards for each grade–so each state will say how well children should be reading at the end of third grade. Interested parents, families, and taxpayers can look to their state for detailed information about its academic standards. No Child Left Behind combines and simplifies programs, so that schools can get and use federal funding. Schools and teachers will get a boost for more than $4 billion in 2002 that allows schools to promote teacher quality through training and recruitment. Parents with a child enrolled in a school identified as in need of improvement will be able to transfer their child to a better performing public school or public charter school. No Child Left Behind gives districts new flexibility and freedom with Federal funds so children with disabilities can be better served. States will receive the freedom to target up to 50 percent of federal non-Title I dollars under the Act to programs that will have the most positive impact on the students they serve, including students with disabilities. Students will be assessed and assessments must provide for adaptations and accommodations for students with disabilities as defined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Though, there must be a separate measurable annual objectives â€Å"adequate yearly progress† (AYP) for continuous and substantial improvement for the achievement of groups of students, including students with disabilities The purpose of the No Child Left Behind Act is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. President Bush states, â€Å"every school — every public school in America is a place of high expectations and a place of achievement.† So far, five states have taken the lead in assimilating the requirements of the Act into their current accountability systems and have received approval for their proposed accountability plans from the Department of Education. The states receiving approval are: Colorado, Indiana, Massachusetts, New York, and Ohio. When asking regular education and special education teachers about the No Child Left Behind Act, I realized many did not know much about it. I approached the principal at the school I work at and asked her about it but I received very little information. It was apparent that not many people knew what this act was about; they just knew that it exists. Luckily Anita the assistant to the Director of Special Education returned my phone call and had some more information for me. To Anita this challenges the educational system. As for students with disabilities, it makes the teachers be more responsive and assess special education students. It tries to bring up these students to state standards. She said that it may not be very realistic for students who are mentally retarded and have Learning Disabilities. She states that these students may not even be at the 50th percentile. â€Å"It’s a struggle to get these students to a hire level. Finally, the last thing she said was that thi s act is pushing for kids not to be exempted from testing.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

I didn’t do it! †Fear In The Crucible Essay

â€Å"Fear is simply the consequence of every lie†~Fyodor Dostoyevski. Dostoyevski explains that fear and lying come hand to hand. Telling lies creates a fear of being discovered having told a lie. In addition, one only conjures a lie if there is something to hide. Therefore the discovery of secrets also induces fear. Fear, whether it be fear of life, or reputation, can heavily influence the actions of society. It possess the ability to impair the judgement and actions of people. Similarly, in The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the townspeople are completely ruled by fear. This fear is mainly caused by the strict punishments given to those who violate Puritan morals. It also brings along a sense that one must protect his own life and interests. This need for self-preservation leads to widespread denial and in some cases, even the accusation of others. Governed by the terror of Puritanical law, the townspeople learn to fear its consequences and become quick to deny and accuse other s of witchcraft to save themselves, which ultimately leads to the tragic death of innocent citizens Throughout the play, a stifling atmosphere of fear lingers over Salem. This apprehension is caused by the ever-growing possibility of being accused of witchcraft. During this period, even the mentioning of the word â€Å"witchcraft† struck a chord of uneasiness into people. Punishment for this crime was severe and â€Å"a hanging error† (18). Witchcraft is closely associated with hanging and being accused meant one is on his way to death. In addition, witchcraft, according to Judge Danforth, is considered â€Å"ipso facto, on its face and by its nature, an invisible crime†(100). Only â€Å"the witch and the victim† (100) may bear witness to the crime and â€Å"we must rely upon the victims [to] [†¦] testify†(100). The victims, in this case, are the children. Consequently, with such an unjust method of court, the townspeople’s fears are further augmented. Not only do they fear being accused, they fear that their lives will merely become a switch that a few children can turn on or off at a whim. Furthermore, they are intimidated by the judge, Danforth. â€Å"Near to four hundred are in the jails and seventy-two [are] condemned to hang by [his] signature† (87). His power as a judge allows him to essentially kill people with a flick on his pen and the facility to which he does so is terrifying. Therefore it is hardly  surprising that rampant terror resides in the village. Also, the accusation of witchcraft brings one’s reputation into perspective. The fear of having one’s reputation damaged is another key contributor to the village’s overall uneasiness. In the entirety of the play, Parris is paranoid that being associated with witchcraft in any form will deteriorate his position as a reverend. He fears that â€Å"there is a faction that is sworn to drive [him] from his pulpit† (10) and that people may â€Å"compromise [his] very character† (11) if his â€Å"own household is discovered to be the very center of some obscene practice† (11). In addition, John Proctor not only exhibits fear for his reputation, but fear for his life as well. Proctor fears for his own life because he had an affair with Abigail. Lechery was punishable by hanging. In addition, if others discover his affair, it will dishonor his name. As a result of the strict laws imposed on Puritan society, fear finds its way into Salem, filling every possible aspect of life and leaving no crack overlooked. With nowhere to hide from this terror, the inhabitants of Salem are forced to find refuge in their lies instead. A fear for existence causes the townsfolk to instinctively prioritize their own well being in an attempt for self preservation. This sense of self preservation naturally induces widespread lying and denial as the townspeople desperately struggle to maintain their own interests, whether they be life or reputation. Being affiliated with witchcraft automatically threatened one’s life and status. Reverend Parris, being the religious leader of Salem, is expected to uphold Puritan ethic, and be an example for the rest of the town. However when his â€Å"daughter and niece [are] discovered dancing like heathen in the forest† (10), he fears that his reputation is brought into question because he thinks, that people â€Å"will howl [him] out of Salem for such corruption in [his] house† (14). As a result, when the suspicion of witchery comes up, Parris instantly dismisses it and â€Å"pray[s] leap not to witchcraft† (14). Parris’s role as minister means that any association of his that has anything to do with witchcraft is a threat to the security of his position and it is shown that he is quick to deny it. Likewise, Abigail and the girls are trapped in a dilemma. After being discovered summoning charms, they find themselves hounded into a corner by the suspicions that are laid upon them. She and the girls lie about their  witchcraft in the woods in an attempt for self-preservation, â€Å"Why–common dancing is all† (42). Because calling the Devil is hanging crime, the children deny their witchcraft and claim to have danced in order to lessen their punishment which is another example of preserving oneself. John Proctor is another character whose lying is induced by his life threatening secrets. As he once said, â€Å"there are them that will swear to anything before they’ll hang† (69). Both him and Abigail abide by this precept. In Proctor’s case he denies his former relationship with Abby because it ruins his image in his wife’s eyes and because it is lechery. He tells Abby to â€Å"wipe it out of mind† and claims that â€Å"we never touched† (23). By denying their affair, it is shown that Proctor fears the consequences that may arise and possesses an innate sense of self-preservation. Abigail on the other hand, goes to even greater lengths to protect herself from the harsh penalties of the law. Her need for self preservation is so strong, that she even lies to the judge, denying that she had an affair with Proctor and that she was previously pretending in court. When Abigail is asked to confirm her affair with Proctor, she threatens Danforth saying, â€Å"If I must answer that, I will leave and I will not come back again!† (111). This demonstrates that Abigail is aware of her actions but will not admit it for doing so will mark her as a perpetrator of innocent murder. In addition, her denial is influenced by the risk of death by lying to the court. It is evident that the widespread fear in this society is a driving force that compels the characters to behave in ways that will protect their status and lives. However, this denial becomes an issue when others are dragged into the fire. When denial does not sufficiently channel away the suspicions laid upon them, some characters go so far as to accuse others. This leads to undesirable consequences, such as the loss of many innocent lives, that soon become unstoppable. Mary Warren is one of many characters who point fingers to others in order to save themselves. Characterized as an unsteady, and unconfident person, Mary is easily overcome by the fear of execution. During her testimony to the court, Proctor’s plan to prove Abigail as a witch goes terribly wrong. Rather than rhaving Abigail accused, Danforth charges Mary with lying to the court and she suddenly finds that she has become the victim. As a result, she blames Proctor, â€Å"You’re the Devil’s man! I’ll not  hang with you! [†¦] you come at me by night and every day to sign [†¦] The Devil’s book† (118). This shows that after being overwhelmed with fear, Mary’s anxiety explodes and she decides to ac cuse the very person who dragged her into court in an attempt to free herself from the spotlight. Consequently, John Proctor, a man innocent of witchcraft is hung. More crucial however, are the accusations made by the children. Led by Abigail, the children, at first, pretend to be bewitched because it was considered sport. They soon learn that by doing so, they are exempt from witchcraft as they are considered ‘God’s fingers’. By taking this position, the girls free themselves from accusation and all suspicion which is the ideal position to be in. During Mary’s testimony, Danforth becomes increasingly convinced that she is telling the truth. This places more suspicion on Abigail and the girls. As a result, they resort to accusing Mary Warren of sending her spirit out to them, â€Å"Mary, do you send this shadow on me?† (109). In another instance, while the girls are being questioned about who they saw with the Devil, they proceed to chant out the names of random townsfolk, â€Å"I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil! I saw George Jacobs with the Devil! I saw Goody Howe with the Devil† (48). Furthermore, Abigail herself, partakes in these accusations even while she is outside of court. When Hale presses her with questions relating to her witchcraft, her slave enters â€Å"and instantly Abigail points at Tituba† saying, â€Å"She made me do it! She made Betty do it!† (43). Again, Abigail frames someone in order to save her own life. With the blame now in Tituba, she, in return, claimed she saw Goody Good and Goody Osburn with the Devil. These repeated accusations continue unchecked and soon, the entire town is enveloped with an atmosphere of fear. These false accusations also cause the trials to be prolonged. Because of all these accusations, more and more people are sent to court. With the corrupt children as juries, more and more are sentenced to the grave. The extent to which the townspeople go to in order to save themselves ultimately results in widespread injustice and executions. For the entirety of the play, the townspeople are smothered with an ever-growing atmosphere of fear. With its cold judges, corrupted juries, and severe punishments, it is not surprising that such an element of fear was present in Salem. In return, the people develop an instinct for self  preservation which requires denial to achieve. However, such widespread denial and lies result in unchecked accusations. These accusations are often carried through and the fear of death soon spreads. Therefore a never ending cycle of terror is the outcome and the town ultimately gives way to chaos.